I am a simple person who lives a complicated life; the irony makes my life interesting. I have a curious mind and I am always ready to be inspired. I like to be more informative and empowering and that's what I really want to bring out from my blog. "Anything and Everything" is the theme of my blog. I will incorporate information and empowerment in any sort of topic.
Nikki Minaj's 2012 Grammy's Performance was Disrespectful!
Have you seen Nicki Minaj's Grammy's performance? If you didn't then I bet you heard about it, right? It's been buzzing throughout the internet, TV, and elsewhere.
Her performance was thought to be the biggest performance for the Grammy's night that producers placed it towards the end of the Grammy's to keep viewers staying tuned to the show. However, instead of gaining appraisals, Minaj's performance became a subject of criticisms.
(watch video from youtube)
Minaj sang her song "Roman Holiday". The performance started with a confession to a priest, then showed a video of a priest performing exorcism, and ended with her levitating above the stage.
Many viewers were offended by the performance mainly because Catholicism and religious symbols (including faith and other virtues of Christianity) were exploited by making it a gimmick into Minaj's performance.
I personally did not like her during this year's Grammy's. I am a fan of art, but I think her performance was lacking art and showed more like a gimmick. I also think using demonic whatevers should not be used as it could influence many viewers. It was like she was promoting demonic whatevers. Apart from that, I think Nikki Minaj is trying to copy Lady Gaga; her red carpet outfit is somewhat similar with what Gaga wore on her Alejandro music video - portraying a nun. Speaking of red carpet, I think it is a very big disrespect to the Pope and other Catholic personnels for a very important person in Catholisms to be used as an accessory during her red carpet.
I do not know what her intentions were, but the expression wasn't just right as it displayed offensive actions or views for many people. I am just plainly disappointed with Nicki Minaj.
I haven't seen the performance but I had the exact same thought when I saw her red-carpet ensemble - Lady Gaga try-hard